Criterion 7 (Institutional Values and Best Practices)

7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities

7.1.1 Institution has a stated energy policy streamlining ways of energy conservation,use of alternate sources of energy for meeting its power requirements.
1 Institution energy policy document
2 Any additional information
7.1.2 Institution has a stated policy and procedure for implementation of waste management
1 Institution has a stated policy and procedure for implementation of waste management
2 Any additional information
7.1.3 Institution waste management practices include
1 Income Expenditure statement highlighting the specific components
2 Geo-tagged photographs
7.1.4 Institution has water management and conservation initiatives in the form of
1 Income Expenditure statement highlighting the specific components
2 Geo-tagged photographs
7.1.5 Institution is committed to maintenance of cleanliness, sanitation, green cover and providing a pollution free healthy environment
1 Documents and/or photographs in support of the claim
7.1.7 Percentage of expenditure on green initiatives and waste management excluding salary component during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
1 Income Expenditure statement on green initiatives, energy and waste management
7.1.8 Institution puts forth efforts leveraging local environment, locational knowledge and resources, community practices and challenges.
1 Documentary evidence in support of the claim
7.1.9 Institution has a prescribed Code of Conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff, and conducts periodic programmes to appraise adherence to the Code through the following ways.
1 Web-Link to the Code of Conduct displayed on the institution’s website
2 Reports / minutes of the periodic programmes to appraise adherence to the Code of Conduct
3 Copy of the Code of Conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff of Institution / Affiliating University

7.2 Best Practices

7.2.1 Describe at least two institutional best practices (as per NAAC format given on its website)
1 Photos related to two best practices of the Institution
2 Any additional information

7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness

7.3.1 Performance of the institution in one area of distinctiveness related to its vision, priority and thrust
1 Photo and /or video of institutional performance related to the one area of its distinctiveness
2 Any additional information