Sports Committee


A Sports Committee is an organized hierarchal formation that exists to promote and develop an interest in a particular sport or physical activity for the students. The coordinator of the committee serves primarily as an advisor and resource person for Sport Committee members and is available to assist representatives with committee business. The Committee will allow as much freedom to operate as possible, provided they operate within the regulations and guidelines herein.



  1. To conduct brainstorming for the issue to be resolved or decided with active participation by the sports committee members.
  2. To finalize the selected list for sports at the college before forwarding it to the Principal for approval.
  3. To monitor the physical education and sports activities at the college.
  4. To verify any sign circular/notice or any relevant document before forwarding it to the principal for approval.
  5. To keep track of stock and all sports facilities at the college.
  6. To promote participation in sports among students and staff.
  7. To organize various kinds of sports activities.
  8. To enhance student’s sportsmanship and commitment.

Committee Members

SL No.: Name Position In Committee
1 Mr. Satyendra Kr. Suman Coordinator
2 Mr. Chunchun Kumar Assistant Coordinator
3 Mrs. Sushma Kumari Member
4 Mr. Brijpal Singh Member
5 Mr. Indrajeet Member